Second Language Teaching and Research Center (L2TReC)
Ongoing Research Projects
Corpus report: Corpus of Utah Dual Language Immersion (CUDLI).
Yejin Jung, Second Language Teaching and Research Center (L2TReC), Univ. of Utah
Devin Jenkins, Second Language Teaching and Research Center (L2TReC), Univ. of Utah
Corpus report: Multilingual Corpus of Second Language Speech (MuSSeL)
Yejin Jung, Second Language Teaching and Research Center (L2TReC), Univ. of Utah
Devin Jenkins, Second Language Teaching and Research Center (L2TReC), Univ. of Utah
A corpus-based analysis of cohesive devices produced by L2 Chinese writers
Meng Zhou, Dept. of East Asian Languages and Cultures, Univ. of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
Yejin Jung, Second Language Teaching and Research Center (L2TReC), Univ. of Utah
Comparing language examples collected from GenAI and corpora to inform the practice of teaching and assessing: the case of Korean honorifics
Yejin Jung, Second Language Teaching and Research Center (L2TReC), Univ. of Utah
Kathy Kim, Dept. of Language and Literacy Education, Boston University
Perceptions & Attitudes toward AI-assisted writing at universities
Larissa Goulart, Montclaire State University, US
Marine Laísa Matte, Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia Sul-rio-grandense, Brazil
Yejin Jung, Second Language Teaching and Research Center (L2TReC), Univ. of U
Examining English learners’ expression of opinion in a large-scale English speaking proficiency exam
Yejin Jung, Second Language Teaching and Research Center (L2TReC), Univ. of Utah
Dana Gablasova, Dept. of Linguistics and English Language, Lancaster University, UK
Vaclav Brezina, Dept. of Linguistics and English Language, Lancaster University, UK
Baker, M., Richardson, S. & Rubio, F. (2022). Patterns of Teaching Presence during One Semester of a Large Online Graduate Nursing Course. International Journal of E-Learning & Distance Education Revue Internationale Du E-Learning Et La Formation à Distance, 37(1).
Baker, M., Richardson, S. & Rubio, F. (2020). Evaluating Teaching Presence in an Online Nursing Course: Proposing a New Taxonomy. International Journal of E-Learning & Distance Education Revue Internationale Du E-Learning Et La Formation à Distance, 35(2). Retrieved from
Huang, D., & Watzinger-Tharp, J. (2023). The use of cohesive devices as proficiency level discriminators in Chinese DLI learners’ writing. Foreign Language Annals, 57(2).
Knell, E., Kao, S. C. (2020). Repeated readings and Chinese immersion students’ reading fluency, comprehension, and character recognition. The Journal of Immersion and Content-Based Language Education, 8(2).
Mizza, D. & Rubio, F. (2024). Prácticas tecnológicas eficientes y diversidad (efficient Technological Practices and Diversity). In J. Muñoz-Basols, M. Fuertes-Gutiérrez and L. Cerezo (Eds.), La enseñanza del español mediada por tecnologíade la justicia social a la Inteligencia Artificial (IA). London: Routledge.
Landes-Lee, J. (December 2020). Indicators of academic readiness for college: Evaluating the Utah Bridge Program in one high school. Dissertation thesis, University of Utah.
Schnur, E. & Rubio, F. (2021). Lexical complexity, writing proficiency and task effects in Spanish Dual Language Immersion. Language Learning and Technology, 25(1), 53-72.
Watzinger-Tharp, J., Tharp, D., & Rubio, F. (2021). Sustaining dual language immersion: L2 outcomes in a state-wide program. The Modern Language Journal, 105(1): 194-217.
Winke, P., Zhang, X., Rubio, F., Gass, S., Sonenson, D., & Hacking, J. (2020). The proficiency profiles of language students: Implications for programs. Second Language Research & Practice, 1(1), 25–64.
Hacking, J. (2019). Utah’s Russian Dual Language Immersion Program: Challenges and Opportunities for 21st Century Language Education. In J. Hacking & D. Dyer (eds). Чекаj: Papers for Christina E. Kramer on the occasion of her retirement. Balkanistica 32(2).
Hacking, J., Rubio, F. & Tschirner, E. (2018). Vocabulary size, reading proficiency and curricular design: The case of college Chinese, German, Russian and Spanish. In Gass, S. & Winke, P. (eds.), The power of performance-based assessment: Languages as a model for the liberal arts enterprise. Boston: Springer.
Rubio, F., & Mizza, D. (2019). High-Leverage practices for blended language learning: Towards a successful implementation in the blended language learning path. In A. Palalas (Ed.), Blended language learning: International perspectives on innovative practice (pp. 24-61). Beijing, ROC: Open University of China Press.
Rubio, F. (2018). Language education in elementary schools: Meeting the needs of the nation. Foreign Language Annals 51(1), 90-103. DOI: 10.1111/flan.12313
Rubio, F. & Hacking, J. (2018). Proficiency vs. performance: what do the tests show? In Gass, S. & Winke, P. (eds.), Foreign Language Proficiency in Higher Education. Boston: Springer.
Tschirner, E.,Hacking, J. & Rubio, F.(2018). Reading proficiency and vocabulary size: An empirical investigation. In Ecke, P. & Rott, S. (eds.) Understanding vocabulary learning and teaching: Implications for language program development. Boston: Cengage/Heinle. (ms. due 6/15/17).
Watzinger-Tharp, J., Rubio, F. & Tharp, D. S. (2018). Linguistic performance of dual language immersion students. Foreign Language Annals 51(3), 575-595.
Hacking, J. & Rubio, F. (2016). A proficiency based articulation project between post-secondary institutions. In Urlaub, P. & Watzinger-Tharp, J. (eds.), The interconnected language curriculum: Critical transitions and interfaces in articulated K-16 contexts. Boston: Cengage/Heinle, 118-33.
Hacking, Jane & Tschirner, Erwin. (2017). Reading proficiency, vocabulary development and curricular design: The case of college Russian. Foreign Language Annals50(3), 1-19.
Landes-Lee, J. (2016). Utah’s dual language immersion model: A K-12 program with a K-16 vision. Utah Association of Secondary School Principals (UASSP) Impact Journal.
Rubio, F. & Cannon, T. (2017). Juntos: Beginning Spanish. Boston: Cengage/Heinle.
Rubio, L & Esquivias, C. (2017). Empowering Students through Project Based Language Learning: The Power of Art in the Community. The Language Educator.
Urlaub, P. & Watzinger-Tharp, J., Eds. (2016). The interconnected language curriculum: Critical transitions and interfaces in articulated K-16 contexts. Boston: Cengage/Heinle.
Watzinger-Tharp, J. & Leite, J. (2017). Utah’s Dual Language Immersion Program: Access to multilingualism. Scottish Languages Review and Digest, 32, 31-38.
Watzinger-Tharp, J., Swenson, K. & Mayne, Z. (2016) Academic achievement of Utah students in dual language immersion. International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism., 1-16.
Conference Presentations
Jung, Y. (2025, Mar.). Examining how L2 speakers support their opinion statements: Cross-proficiency evidence from a standardized interactive speaking exam. American Association for Applied Linguistics (AAAL) 2025. Denver, CO.
2022 Research to Practice- Utilizing new research on college readiness to support
pathway students. (Landes-Lee, J., Well, R.J.) International Conference for Dual
Language Immersion, Salt Lake City, UT.
Utah’s Advanced Language Bridge Program: Program model and lessons learned after 6
years of implementation. (Fame Kao, S.C., Lair, A., Landes-Lee, J., Luengo, M.)
International Conference for Dual Language Immersion, Salt Lake City, UT.
2021 Secondary to Postsecondary Articulation of Dual Language Immersion: Tracking
students’ college access and success. (Landes-Lee, J., Watzinger-Tharp, J.) ACTFL
Conference, Virtual Format
2020 Secondary Articulation in DLI Programming. (Landes-Lee, J.) Global Virginia Summit
online conference
2022 Russian DLI: Promising results from 3rd grade AAPPL assessments (Mau, Hacking).
International Conference on Immersion and Dual Language Education. Salt Lake City,
Kia, E. (2021, Nov.). Pedagogical uses of corpora. Guest Lecture in WLC 4900-030 (Intro
L2 Teaching and Learning) for Language Analysts Attached to the 169th Intelligence
Squadron (Air Force). The University of Utah. Salt Lake City, UT.
Kia, E. (2021, Oct.). Corpus analysis with AntConc. Guest Lecture in WLC 6410 (L2
Methodology). The University of Utah. Salt Lake City, UT.
Kia, E. (2020, Nov.). Pedagogical uses of corpora. Guest Lecture in WLC 4900-030 (Intro
L2 Teaching and Learning) for Language Analysts Attached to the 169th Intelligence
Squadron (Air Force). The University of Utah. Salt Lake City, UT.
Kia, E. & Biber, D. (2022, Nov.). Illocutionary force of speech acts: A continuous
Paper to be presented at the 5th International Conference of the American Pragmatics
Association (AMPRA). The University of South Carolina, Columbia, SC.
Kia, E. & Rubio, F. (2022, Sep.). Lexical bundles and L2 Spanish writing development:
A case
of dual language immersion. Paper to be presented at the 6th International Conference
Learner Corpus Research (LCR 2022). The University of Padua, Padua, Italy.
Kia, E. & Rubio, F. (2022, Sep.). Applications of the corpus of multilingual second language speech (MuSSeL) for research and pedagogy. Paper to be presented at the 15th American Association for Corpus Linguistics (AACL 2022) conference, Northern Arizona University, Flagstaff, AZ.
Kia, E., & Schnur, E. (2021, Nov.). Developing instructional activities using a multilingual
learner corpus. Paper presented at the ACTFL 2021 Virtual Convention.
Schnur, E., Kia, E., & Rubio, F. (2021, Nov.). An introduction to CUDLI: A multilingual
corpus of second language writing. Paper presented at the ACTFL 2021 Virtual
Kia, E. (2021, March). Evaluating the generalizability of automatic speech act analyses:
case of directives. Paper presented at the American Association for Applied Linguistics
(AAAL) 2021 Virtual Conference.
Bogorevich, V., & Kia, E. (2021, March). Vocabulary: Using online resources for practice
materials development. Paper presented at the TESOL 2021 Virtual Convention &
English Language Expo.
Kia, E. (2020, March 3). Corpus linguistics: Applications in research, teaching, and
Invited Talk. Texas A&M University, Commerce, TX.
Kia, E. & Church, J. (2018, Nov. 22). Thinking outside the textbook: Designing engaging
classroom activities. Workshop given at the First International Congress of Research,
Academic Groups and Interdisciplinary Groups (CIICAG), Universidad Tecnológica de
Hermosillo, Sonora, Mexico.
Additive trilingualism in Portuguese dual language immersion. 8th International Conference
Immersion & Dual Language Education, March 2022 (with J. Leite)
Sustaining dual language immersion: Partner language outcomes from a large-scale study.
AAAL, March 2021 (with F. Rubio)
Bacon, M., Banfi, C., DiStefano, M., Landes-Lee, J. Bridging K-12 Immersion to University- Panel Discussion. International Conference on Immersion and DLI, Charlotte, NC (2019).
Gallagher, E., Landes-Lee, J., Spicer-Escalante, M. The University-High School Partnership: Heritage Speaker and Dual Language Immersion Pathways. ACTFL Conference, New Orleans, LA (2018).
Hacking, J. Second language vocabulary acquisition. Invited lecture. University of Sheffield, UK (2019).
Hacking, J., Schnur, E. & Rubio, F. MuSSeL: Designing and building a corpus of multilingual second language speech. SlaviCorp Conference. Prague, Czech Republic (2018).
Kao, S. C. & Huang, D. Moving from Intermediate to Advanced: Project-based Learning and IPA in the Chinese
Bridge Classroom. Utah Foreign Language Association Annual Meeting, Orem, UT (2020)
Kao, S. C. Every day is an IPA! - Using Socratic Seminar as an Example to Discuss How to Scaffold a Lesson with Integrated Performance Assessment. Keynote. Southern California Council of Chinese Schools Spring Teaching Seminar, Los Angeles (2019).
Kao, S. C. Chinese Reading Fluency Practice Can Improve Comprehension and Motivation. American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages Annual Convention, New Orleans (2018).
Lair, A. & Rubio, L. AP and beyond: Using video evidence to train teachers in Intercultural Communication. ACTFL, Washington D.C. (2019).
Lair, A. The teaching of culture for K-16 language teachers (workshop). FLLITE summer institute. University of Utah (2019).
Lair, A. Immersion and the Bridge programs in Utah (Round table discussion). Rutgers University (2019).
Lair, A. Geerlings, G. Harward, M. Hiring, Training, Mentoring and Empowering Dual Language Immersion Teachers. 7th International Conference on Immersion and Dual Language Education. Charlotte, NC (2019).
Lair, A., Geerlings, G. Harward, M. Training, Mentoring and Empowering Dual Language Immersion Teachers. ACTFL, New Orleans, LA (2018).
Landes-Lee, J. College Readiness of Post-AP DLI and non-DLI Spanish Language Students- research paper presentation. ACTFL Conference, Washington DC (2019).
Landes-Lee, J. Academic Behaviors and College Knowledge: Advanced Language Bridge Program Student Orientation to College Coursework. Bridge Program Institute Opening Session, University of Utah, Salt Lake City, UT (2019).
Landes-Lee, J. & Taylor, L. The Quest for College Readiness in Two Languages: A University-High School Partnership. International Conference on Immersion and DLI, Charlotte, NC (2019).
Rubio, F. Corpus Data and Second-Language Education. MLA Annual convention. Seattle, WA (2020).
Rubio, F. & Taylor, L. Looking Under the Hood of the Advanced Level. ACTFL Convention, Washington, DC (2019).
Rubio, F. Using AP to recruit and retain: The Utah Bridge Program for Advanced Language Learning. College Board Preparate Conference. San Antonio, TX (2019).
Rubio, F. Meeting expectations: Proficiency assessment and curricular response. ACTFL Annual Convention. New Orleans, LA (2018).
Rubio, F. A Century of Language Teaching: Methods and Proficiency. Keynote speech. Utah Foreign Language Association Annual Meeting. Utah Valley University (2020).
Rubio, F. Intermediate to Advanced: A balanced approach to building proficiency. Invited talk. Language Training Center annual workshop. San Diego State University (2020).
Rubio, F. What does it mean to be proficient and what can we do to make it happen? Invited talk. Startalk Advisory Board meeting. University of Maryland (2019).
Rubio, F. Building Intermediate and Advanced Level Proficiency to Achieve the Seal of Biliteracy. Invited workshop. ACTFL Convention, Washington, DC (2019).
Rubio, F. Proficiency attainment of K-16 language students: Implications for language programs. Invited talk. Boston University (2019)
Rubio, F. Proficiency training for teachers of Portuguese and Swahili. Invited Workshop. Flagship Initiative. Universidade Eduardo Mondlane. Maputo, Mozambique, 04/29-05/01/19.
Rubio, F. National Language Resource Center k-16 pathways. Invited talk. American Councils DLI Alliance meeting (2018).
Rubio, F. K-20 articulation of language programs. Invited talk. NADSFL/NCSSFL Annual meeting. New Orleans, LA (2018).
Rubio, F. The Utah Bridge Program for Advanced language Learning. Invited talk. College Board AP Symposium on World Languages. Chicago, IL (2018).
Rubio, L. Keeping It Real: Authenticity in the Language Classroom Using Project Based Language Learning Methodology. Invited Workshop, 7th International Conference on Immersion and Dual Language Education, Charlotte, NC (2019).
Rubio, L. The Utah DLI Elementary-Secondary Transition and the 7-9 Model. 7th International Conference on Immersion and Dual Language Education, Charlotte, NC (2019).
Rubio, L. Pedagogical tools to empower DLI secondary students. 7th International Conference on Immersion and Dual Language Education, Charlotte, NC (2019).
Schnur, E., Hacking, J. & Rubio, F. MuSSeL: Designing and building a corpus of multilingual second language speech. American Association of Corpus Linguistics. Atlanta (2018).
Schnur, E., Rubio, F. & Hacking, J. Introducing language teachers to learner corpora: The development of online tutorials for pedagogic uses of the MuSSeL corpus. 5th Learner Corpus Research Conference. Warsaw, Poland (2019).
Schnur, E. Focus group for MuSSeL corpus tutorials. University of Utah (2019).
Watzinger-Tharp, J. & Rubio, F. Measuring Dual Immersion Students' Proficiency: Findings and Challenges. ACTFL Convention, Washington, DC (2019).
Watzinger-Tharp, J. & Rubio, F. Dual Language Immersion Students' Proficiency Attainment: Cross-sectional and Longitudinal Data. Charlotte, NC (2019).
2017 Getting it right: Addressing accuracy in the immersion classroom. (Rubio, F. & Rubio, L.) ACTFL, Nashville (2017).
2017 Active reading strategies to reach AP proficiency targets. (Landes-Lee, Rubio, L.) ACTFL, Nashville.
2017 English learners’ performance in ELA and Spanish. (Watzinger-Tharp, Leite) ACTFL, Nashville.
2017 Roadmap through the immersion continuation program K-16. (Lair, Geerlings and Harward) ACTFL, Nashville.
2017: English learners in Utah’s DLI programs. (Watzinger-Tharp, Leite). 18th World Congress of Applied Linguistics (AILA), Rio de Janeiro.
2017 Culture: Interdisciplinary Approach and Proficiency in the Classroom, two-day workshop for teachers of French (Lair) L2TReC, University of Utah.
2017 Implementing core practices in the AP classroom. (Rubio) Southern Conference on Language Teaching, Orlando.
2017 The proficiency profile of foreign language university students. (Hacking) MLA, Philadelphia.
2017 K-16 articulations and alliances. (Watzinger-Tharp) MLA, Philadelphia.
2016 Vocabulary size, reading proficiency and curricular design. (Rubio, Hacking & Tschirner) ACTFL, Boston.
2016 What happens in the classroom... (Rubio F., Rubio, L.) SWCOLT, Hawaii.
2016 Building university-high school partnerships for advanced language pathways in Utah. (Landes-Lee) ADFL Summer Seminar, Monterey.
2016 Large-scale implementation of ACTFL computerized proficiency testing. (Tschirner, Gass, Malone, Soneson, Winke, Hacking & Rubio) ACTFL, Boston.
2016 Supporting secondary immersion pathways. (Landes-Lee) Sixth International Conference on Immersion and Dual Language Education, CARLA, University of Minnesota.
2016 Secondary DLI continuation with a K-16 Lens. (Lair, Landes-Lee, Rubio. L.) Sixth International Conference on Immersion and Dual Language Education, CARLA, University of Minnesota.
2016 The development of linguistic complexity in dual language immersion learners of Chinese, French and Spanish. (Hacking & Rubio) Sixth International Conference on Immersion and Dual Language Education, CARLA, University of Minnesota.
2016 Plenary session: Building a K-16 model for language acquisition. (Landes-Lee) Flagship Language Acquisition Summer Conference.
2016 Using vocabulary production and vocabulary recognition tests in Advanced Third Year University Spanish Courses. (Rubio, L.) TEXLER, San Antonio.
2016 Counterbalanced instruction in Dual Language Immersion classrooms. (Rubio, F., Rubio L.) ACTFL Annual Convention, Boston.
2016 Success through collaboration: Utah's K-16 language education alliance. (Hacking, Rubio, Roberts, Watzinger-Tharp) National Humanities Conference, Salt Lake City, UT.
2016 Correlations between speaking, listening, and reading proficiency scores. (Tschirner, Gass, Winke, Soneson, Hacking, Rubio) East Coast Organization of Language Testers.
2016 Core practices in the AP classroom. Texas Foreign Language Association. (Rubio) Austin, TX.
2016 Providing the tools for success: the role of teachers and students as assessors in the AP course. (Rubio) South West Conference on Language Teaching, Honolulu, HI.
2016 What is the reality of proficiency-based articulation at the post-secondary level? A case study: University of Utah – Salt Lake Community College (Hacking, Rubio) Georgetown University Language Roundtable.
2016 Academic achievement and language proficiency of Utah DLI students. (Watzinger-Tharp, Rubio) ACTFL, Boston.
2015 Preparing your AP students for advanced-level writing. (Rubio) ACTFL Annual Convention, San Diego, CA.
2015 Plenary session: Dual Language Immersion continuation for grades 7-9. (Landes-Lee) Flagship Language Acquisition Summer Conference.
2015 English learners in Utah’s Dual Language Immersion (Leite, Watzinger-Tharp) CARLA, Minneapolis.
2015 Situating Dual Immersion data in curricular and instructional contexts (Mau, Watzinger-Tharp) CARLA, Minneapolis.
2015 Keynote: Validating multiple varieties in the L2 classroom (Watzinger-Tharp)
Annual German Linguistics Association Conference (GLAC), Provo, UT.
2015 Plenary session: Structuring supports for secondary immersion? (Landes-Lee) Annual Utah Immersion Conference for Administrators.
2015 Listening in the college curriculum: A case study. (Rubio, Hacking) ACTFL Annual Convention, San Diego, CA.
2015 Teacher-driven professional learning through lesson study model. (Landes-Lee, Harward) ACTFL Annual Convention, San Diego, CA.
2015 The link between interaction and proficiency in dual language immersion. (Rubio, F., Rubio, L.) ACTFL Annual Convention, San Diego, CA.
2015 Faire réseau: Séminaire fédéral sur l’enseignement bilingue francophone aux Etats-Unis, panel moderator. (Lair) French Embassy, Washington, D.C.
2016 Engaging classrooms: Literature, films, culture and project-based Learning. (Lair) Two-day workshop for teachers of French. L2TReC, University of Utah.
2015 Rendons la culture plus intéractive en salle de cours. (Lair) Workshop for teachers of French. L2TReC, University of Utah.
2015 Comment s’exprimer en français. (Lair) Workshop for teachers of French. L2TReC, University of Utah.
2015 Outcomes in higher-education world language programs: Results and implications. consortium on useful assessment in language and humanities education. (Rubio) Georgetown University.
2015 The role of language corpora in the development of linguistic or communicative competence. (Rubio, L.) TexFlec. San Antonio.
2014 Facilitating, sustaining and capitalizing on a proficiency-driven culture for high-quality language programs. (Landes-Lee, Wade) Flagship Language Acquisition Summer Conference, Utah.
2014 Second language acquisition and pedagogy in Dual Language Immersion. (Rubio) ACTFL conference, San Antonio.
2014 Overview of performance assessment results in the Utah dual language immersion program. (Rubio) Fifth International Conference on Language Immersion Education, Salt Lake City, UT.
2014 Utah French Dual Language Immersion: Bridging academics and French/Francophone communities. (Lair, Murdock) Fifth International Conference on Language Immersion Education, Salt Lake City, UT.
2014 AP Spanish 2014: From thematic design to authentic assessment. (Rubio) Southwest Conference on Language Teaching, Snowbird, UT.
2014 Comment enseigner la culture. (Lair) Workshop for teachers of French. L2TReC, University of Utah.